Starting Fresh: My First Blog Entry
Every journey begins with a single step, and this is mine!! Welcome to my first blog.
As we all know today is valentine's day and on this day I'm beginning my journey of loving to write blogs ;)
This valentine's day i decided to love myself more - to put myself first before anyone or anything. Self-love is all about valuing and taking care of yourself emotionally, physically, and mentally. After a very long time, I've realised that self-love is an essential part of my life which I should embrace it without giving up.
I started my day as usual, going to college but today, I was eager to go home soon like never before, as today my friends and i were singing in the choir for one of our church brother's wedding @4pm. I was excited but trust me I hate singing and you wouldn't want to hear me sing. (〒﹏〒)
It was pleasant witnessing a wedding ceremony after a decade.
Then came the reception, not to forget the appetizing mutton biryani (✷‿✷)
All over, today was a delightful day!!!
And I would like to end by saying that love is not found on February 14, but in
John 3:16 -
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life".
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